Pink in February

Buying Something New For Every “Event or Holiday” is Played Out!!!
January Flew By Just Like My Wig!!!
Happy New Y’all, It’s 2022 and we are super excited for change, growth, new experiences, and happiness all year long. Speak it into existence y’all, but what we not doing is spending unnecessary money like buying a new damn outfit for every holiday, trip, and/or event that we have planned this year. Its wasteful, consumer driven, and kinda silly. Think about it like this, if you have a new man, then wear something that he hasn’t seen you in, if you have an old man wear something that you know he loves to see you in, if you have a “no man’ lol, wear something that you love to see yourself in and call it a got damn day. So for my first Valentine’s day Oldies but Goodie I have this pink wrap dress that I absolutely love from Zara. It slowly, vibrant, and add all the jam to my jiggle when I walk if you know what I mean. If you wanna change it up a little do a different hairstyle or change your jewelry & shoes to give it a different touch but why but a new dress when you already have one sitting in the closet!